What You Should Know Before Starting a Woodworking Business

  1. You don’t have to start big to become big,
  2. You have to under-promise and over-deliver,
  3. Perception is everything online,
  4. “If I build it and they will come”, this is not always true,
  5. Specialisation is the key to gaining a following.

When starting a Woodworking Business, one of the biggest mistakes is that you can get carried away with your passion. You get so excited and pumped, that you think creating a successful woodworking business is easy and a passport to quitting your day job.

Thinking like this is normal. There are many aspects to setting up and maintaining a Woodworking Business and some people are good at writing, others are good at editing and others are good at data entry. They think that if they apply these skills online, they can have a full-time online business overnight.

There are many issues that can arise from starting your online-based Woodworking Business however, you might want to think about five key issues before deciding to start. These five key factors can go a long way in determining whether your planned business will be a success.


You must understand that the internet is a relatively fair playing field. You don’t have to start big to become big on the internet. In fact, there are many successful brands that pull in tens of millions of dollars a day that were once started in somebody’s room or at someone’s parents’ garage. They were once looking at starting just like you are.

The internet allows you scale without you starting with scale. This is the power of the internet. You don’t need have loads of money and can be some poor kid with a hundred dollars to your name. Completing the process, what you learn and take action is what you need to get there. You will then have the potential to make thousands and even millions a year.

You will need to set yourself up a web page through website hosts like Bluehost or HostGator. These sites enable you to design your own page providing a lower cost to entry. Both have great templates to choose from.

Bluehost price starts from as little as US$2.95/month up to US$13.95/month

HostGator pricing ranges from US$2.99/month up to US$14.95/month

Click here to review 5 top web hosting sites for 2020


The phrase gets used a lot but when building a brand and a business online you have to under-promise and over-deliver. If you do the opposite word soon spreads fast, your reputation will suffer, and you’ll be shooting yourself in the foot.

Focus on value and get what you want by first giving others what they want. This is where under-promising and over-delivering comes into great affect.

Be consistent with what you provide and the what experience the customer receives.


Perception is everything online. You need to conduct yourself in a way that continues to grow your brand. People will start to talk as they watch how you do business, and this can spread quickly particularly online.

It’s easy to know and say what the truth is and to say that reality is what matters most but it’s whatever your market thinks it is.

Make conducting yourself a match to how you want your business to be viewed online.


Many people who start a business with the mindset “if I build it and they will come”, unfortunately don’t succeed. Thinking that you need to come up with something new (unless you do have something new), will cause you to quit before you even start. Don’t try and re-invent the wheel.

Instead look for existing demand that is proven, that people need, that solves a problem and then build the business around that. This will enable you to confidently start your business and to not just assume it’s a good thing.

You then can research keywords relating to your product or service you’re going to provide and ensure that it has a large audience and search volume.

This can be done using free tools like Google Trends, UberSuggests and more in depth paid tools like Keyword Tool.


You have to realise that specialisation is the key to gaining a following. Being good at something rare enough that people will pay attention to you will give you an advantage and differentiate you from the norm.  

If you’re going to be good at something that everybody else is good at, you’ll be hard-pressed to distinguish yourself from the marketplace. You will have to work twice as hard to build a brand that stands out from the noise.


So, be aware of all these finer points before you embark on a woodworking business.

Success won’t happen overnight so the earlier you start the better. You need to take action.

Reading on how to do, what to do and listening to what to do will not get you there.

Someday is not a day of the week!

Go check out some of my other posts that will help getting started.

Where can I buy Woodworking Plans?

What do I need to get started?

Why is Woodworking good for you?

Happy Woodworking

Regards Ben

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